Teachers face many challenges in managing various aspects of their classrooms, including fees and assigned items. Keeping track of student registrations and the status of assigned items can be time-consuming and overwhelming both for the Teachers and for the Bookkeepers/Secretaries.

Teacher Email Notifications provides teachers with essential updates directly to their inboxes daily.

Here's a video showing how Teachers can use this feature. Detailed steps to enable and use this feature are also mentioned below. 

Video Link 

Steps for the school staff (if feature is enabled)

Step 1: Teachers can only subscribe to emails for the items that are shared with them. Items can be shared with a teacher by a Bookkeeper/Secretary. This can be done by using the ‘Share’ functionality in SchoolCash Catalog. The Bookkeeper/Secretary can choose to share an item with one or multiple teachers across the school.

Teachers will also be assigned to any items that they create in SchoolCash Access. This premium feature is only available if the District has chosen to get this enabled.

Step 2: For any items shared with a teacher, the status of their subscription can be checked by going to the item in SchoolCash. If an item is active and ‘Subscribe to Daily Activity Report on this item’ is checked, it will be included in the email notifications. Teachers can unsubscribe to a particular item by unchecking ‘Subscribe to Daily Activity Report on this item’.

Step 3: The email will contain essential payment-related updates for the subscribed items. For detailed student and transaction information, the Teacher can log in to SchoolCash by clicking on the item name or link provided in the email. In SchoolCash, they can generate the Activity Report, Item Option Report or the Forms Report to see detailed information on the item.

The summary information included in the email contains the following information:

  • Item Name
  • Students Registered
  • Students Remaining (Students who haven’t yet paid)
  • Expires (Expiry date of the item)
  • Changes (changes to the registrations since the last email update)

The subject line of the email will be "SchoolCash: Daily Item Payment Update"

Please note that expired Items will not be included in the email notification but can still be looked up in SchoolCash by the Teachers. Teachers will automatically be unsubscribed from any expired Items.



This feature will be available for all clients with Teachers/Sponsors in SchoolCash and SCAccess/SCExpress enabled.

The Districts can opt-in to enable these Teacher Email Notifications by letting KEV (CSM/Support) know.   

For more questions about getting this feature enabled, please contact your CSM.