See the attachment SchoolCash Catalog_How to Create and Attach by Group (at the end of the article) for steps on creating a group using Group Management. Groups can be created from student information uploaded to SchoolCash or by using the Group Import feature.
Group Import Requirements
The following information, in the specified order, is required for Group Import:
School Name | Group Name | Student First Name | Student Last Name | Student ID Number
Ensure this information matches the data in SchoolCash, including formatting.
Additional Considerations
- Does the district provide legal or preferred (known as) student names? Confirm this before creating the import file.
- Leading zeros in Student ID Numbers must be preserved. If zeros are present, save the file as a .txt file instead of .csv to avoid losing this data.
Options for Group Import
- Export from Student Information System (SIS): If the SIS can export a group, save it as a .csv or .txt file in the specified format.
- Manual Creation: Create a new .csv or .txt file, ensuring the data matches the required format.
Steps to Create and Attach by Group
Creating Groups
There are two methods to add students to a group:
- Using the Create a New Group feature
- Importing a group file (.csv or .txt)
Option 1: Create a New Group
- Select the Group Management tab and click Create A New Group.
- Enter the group name and click Add Students.
- Select students by checking the boxes next to their names, then click Add (#) Selected to Group.
- Click Save.
Option 2: Import a Group
- Create a .csv or .txt file with the required information.
- Select the Group Management tab and click Import Group.
- Choose the file from the upload screen and click Open.
- The group is added to the list automatically.
Managing Groups
Groups can be viewed, edited, or deleted through Group Management. Whether the group was created manually or imported, it appears in the list.
Attaching Students by Group
- Select Optional, Recommended, or Required.
- Click Attach Item to Group.
- Check the box next to the group name and click Attach Students.