When are email notifications sent?

Email notifications for new fees in SchoolCash Online as well as reminder email notifications are sent around the beginning of every day at a time after 12:01 am.

Specific timing is dependent on how many email notifications the system is sending that day.

Email notifications from new item creation

First notification set for today

If a new item is created with an email notification start date equalling the item creation date, the first email notification will be sent the following day at a time after 12:01 am. As an example, creating an item today with a start date of today and email notifications enabled for today will result in the notifications being sent first thing tomorrow.

First notification set for tomorrow or after

Email notifications for items created with a future start date (after today) will be sent as expected on the date entered as the start date.

NOTE: If an item is created with a future start date and not attached until the start date, the emails will be sent the following date. Why? Because the item was not attached prior to the start date.

Please note, emails are not instantly sent when saved and attached to students.

Reminder email notifications

The reminder notification emails to those that have not made payment are sent on the reminder date that has been set while configuring the fee. As with initial notifications, reminder notifications are sent at some point after 12:01 am.

NOTE: Using the Email reminder feature doesn't work in conjunction with the Scheduled Payment feature, as this feature has its own email functionality.

Email notifications on fee Due Dates

Emails are NOT sent on End Dates and Due Dates.

Related Article:

Parent Opted Out of Receiving Email Notifications - can that be changed?